Founder of The Square Peg was not diagnosed until she was 37 and wants to help others
Figures also reveal that anti-social behaviour is on the decline
From Santa runs to a grassroots mental health hotline, Jaylo Miles has became a symbol of hope in Llandaff North and beyond.
Quality improves by 57% since 2018 but Cardiff Council urged to do more to persuade people to leave their cars...
Over 250 Llandaff North residents have signed a petition to bring the proposal for a sewage pumping station in Hailey Park to Cardiff Council.
Friends of Hailey Park have elected its new committee after Penny Bowers, who founded the group in 2007, stepped down from the role.
The Christmas season for the community will commence at 4pm this Friday when the Christmas lights turn on.
PLANS for a sewage pumping station in Hailey Park were unveiled this weekend, leaving residents worried about how it will affect the park and local area.
RESIDENTS of Lydstep Flats are continuing to face cold temperatures, mould, and damp in their council housing, following the removal of cladding three years ago this month.
A VIGIL in Llandaff North is one of dozens organised across the UK in the wake of the disappearance of London woman Sarah Everard.