Meet Patrick Sullivan, the mature student finally realising his artistic ambition despite facing adversity along the way
CARDIFF Council's pilot of a new scheme designed to combat homelessness in Wales by leasing private properties has housed just 16 people, an FOI request has revealed.
Cardiff Central Station is doing a consultation on its services to transform its design and improve transport connections.
Deliveroo rider feels ‘powerless’ after facing harassment in Cardiff. He claimed that abuse and theft are only getting worse on the job after being subjected to harassment only two weeks ago.
A CARDIFF University student was scammed out of £1,800 after receiving a text purporting to be from courier Hermes about an undelivered parcel.
Two dogs that were found in a dustbin are being nursed back to health after being taken to the Hope Rescue Centre in Llanharan.
Campaign at Cardiff university is important, says Jeremy Miles MS
The city's recycling has declined 3% since 2018. A new waste strategy to get 70% of waste recycled by 2025 will be presented to the council on December 16.
'We don't know whether we are coming or going,' say passengers on the 136 route
The event is the first of its kind in Wales to commemorate the massacre at Amritsar