Paul Gwilym nearly ended his life nine years ago but has turned things around and now supports others finding things...
CARDIFF Council's pilot of a new scheme designed to combat homelessness in Wales by leasing private properties has housed just 16 people, an FOI request has revealed.
LANDLORDS have been told to show “urgency” in the fight to end homelessness in Wales, as the Welsh Government announced its new Homelessness Action Plan in the Senedd today
BIGMOOSE Coffee co. are a father-daughter run café who donate their profits to local charities and host events to support local businesses.
The fighting Homelessness project offers boxing and MMA sessions to help homeless people with their physical and mental health.
The charity are looking forward to getting back on the pitch after a “tough” 12 months dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
As the pandemic brings unprecedent hardship to families, the community came together
By April 2020 only 6 rough sleepers remained on the streets of Cardiff. The rest have been housed, largely thanks to COVID-19.
Homelessness in Cardiff hit its lowest levels for six years last March – there were 30 known rough sleepers. By...
The Authority will build 2,230 council houses by 2024, many of which will be in Grangetown CARDIFF Council has begun...