Last stretch of the Cross City cycle route opens after being delayed for a year
A LOCAL Pilates teacher has fundraised £1,400 towards a new boiler for the community-used Roath Church House.
The store will create three new jobs when it opens in May A NEW shop and dining space is coming...
More and more people want a say in the future of Cardiff, but some have been left disappointed by recent decisions made by the planning committee.
A LOCAL artist has been creating graffiti-style wall art around Cardiff with the help of vulnerable young people who he works with.
The planned demolition of the Roath Park Pub has been suspended after a planning application to turn the historic building into a seven-storey block of flats was withdrawn.
A HISTORIC building in Roath Pleasure Gardens could soon be transformed into a café and cookery school.
A new pop-up cycleway has been planned to cover part of Albany Road, at the cost of parking on one side of the street.
Business owners worried that further lockdowns will lure more customers away from Roath PEOPLE wandering down one of the most...
The school’s party pack scheme has been adopted in other UK towns SECOND-HAND clothes and party packs are helping a Roath...