Caerphilly County Borough Council have decided to waive fees associated with the street café licence until September 2021 to support local businesses
A new indoor and outdoor market run by independents in Lakeside aims to make a splash at its debut this weekend
The Makers Arcade has opened in the city centre and offers unique and handmade products from local designers
More young entrepreneurs are creating small businesses using social media to connect with customers, depending on ‘pretty’ pictures
Pete Hall has been cycling, crafting and tweeting his way through lockdown and his optimism for the future of indie business remains unwavering
Battling with anxiety won’t stop self-made cosmetics brand owner Becky Bolton keep her successful businesses thriving through lockdown
Welsh pagan Saffron Francessca learnt to make crafts during the pandemic and now sells her wares internationally after an overwhelming response
Landlord of The Golden Cross, Rob Burnett, felt he had a duty to keep the community spirit of his pub alive when it closed over lockdown
Work has resumed on the restoration of Warden’s House in Sophia Gardens, led by the team behind Cardiff street food favourite Dusty’s Pizza.
How Welsh photographer Katie Radford managed to find a silver lining amid lockdown, keeping her business afloat with her long lens in tow