In September, the Welsh Government introduced the default 20mph limit which changed many roads that had 30mph speed limits down to 20mph limits. We asked members of the public about their opinions.

According to Wales Online’s survey for if people had driven slower because of the new 20mph limit, nearly half of people (41.7%) say they haven’t driven slower, but 58.3% of respondents said they had.
The limit is a controversial issue, a senior Labour MP has said that parts of the 20mph by the Welsh Government are “frankly bonkers”.
On contrary, the Labour MP for the Rhondda, Chris Bryant defended the policy and saying: “Lots of places in England already have 20mph… And there’s a good reason for that. If you just look at this constituency, in the last 10 years, there have been 1,672 casualties in road traffic accidents. Last year, there were 92.”
Some also holds that for people trying to get buses and for people trying to get to their clients as care workers and so on it’s really difficult.
Dwasnape, 77, retired

“I think 20mph past schools is right, but it’s too slow in towns because cars are idling a lot more and get more fuels going that slow rather than 30mph.”
Olivia, 23, bartender

“I come from a village, so all the speed limits changed around our area and it causes a lot more traffic. I think it’s made the road worse because I see cars overtaken other cars where they shouldn’t be. I think it should be put back.”
Dane, 25, volunteer

“It definitely makes the road safer because of the limit, but it is too slow. If you walk on the road, it’s better to be slower and not getting hit.”
Wendy, 62, cleaner

“It will be safer for my grandchildren and I think it will be safer for pedestrians, that’s my opinion as a non driver.”
Eden, 18, student

“I come from a village so it will be, it’s a little more traffic.”