Energy bills in 2024 still nearly double since they spiked in 2022. Splott Community Volunteers recently held an event to advise how energy bills can be reduced, but just how much are Cardiff residents struggling?

Cardiff residents learnt how to lower their energy bills during the cost of living crisis at a workshop organised by Splott Community Volunteers (SCV) last week.
The event was held last Friday in partnership with National Energy Action and focused on practical energy saving tips to help residents manage their bills. Cardiff’s residents are increasingly worried about their ability to pay bills, especially when government schemes such as the Warm Homes Discount Scheme are no longer in use.

“Gas and energy prices have doubled, in some cases more than that. It means you have to look at your budget and think if you’re able to even pay them in the first place. People have been scared, anxious and desperate,” said Lynne Thomas, a project manager at SCV.
Desperation is hitting everyone, according to Lynne, who also aware of large local businesses and charities that are struggling to pay bills. More worryingly, heating is a critical concern.
“I personally know quite a few people who simply cannot afford the heating bill at all this winter,” she added. Cold winter are hard to go through.
The minimum recommended temperature for heating a home is 19C, but poor heating can increase the risk of respiratory conditions and impact both mental health and physical well-being.
“People around here are facing significant challenges with their energy bills because of the standing charges, which means they incur costs even when they don’t use their heating. This situation is leading to debt since these costs accumulate regardless of actual energy usage,” said Lynne.

If there’s a new need that comes like, the heat heating crisis, the energy crisis, they will provide warm packs, food or tea. And always try and look for the most emerging needs and meet those needs in terms of the consultants, and home efficiency.”
SCV has brought in the continent organisations, and work in partnership with, like National Energy Action, like Riverside advice, Welsh Water, all designed to get these bills down. Cooperated with authoritative organisations, they are working to provide as much help as they can to meet people’s needs.

Lynne said, “People have faced a very tough, long winter. And it’s very unfair because all of this, it’s nothing that they can directly have an impact on. The energy caps make so people feel trapped, desperate and helpless, and they have no choice.”