Do we need better markings on Kingsway?

DG_Hilton2_webCOMMUTERS are up in arms over a popular junction in the city centre, after a confusion of right of way has led to fines.
The junction between Kingsway and Greyfriars road has been a source of controversy as the markings indicating the right of way for traffic only extend as far as the corner turn, opposite the castle and in front of the Hilton Hotel.
City drivers are complaining the road markings only extend so far, as a result of the proceeding poor surface being unsuitable to receive fresh markings.
Turning into Kingsway from North Road, drivers are confronted with one small, blue road traffic sign, indicating the lane is for the use of buses and taxi drivers only.
Local drivers claim the easily missed sign is not enough, and does not make up for a lack of road marking along the remainder of the road.
Elliott Davis, an IT consultant from Canton, said: “The council are cashing in simply because they haven’t put road markings down, leaving drivers confused and often caught off guard.
“The bus lane is marked onto the road about 35 metres after the junction, leaving a section of road in between unmarked because of its very poor surface.
“When I complained over the phone, Cardiff traffic regulations team informed me the road surface is not suitable for road markings, so the bus lane could not be extended visually”.
He added: “I’ve been lucky as I’ve not been fined, but I have heard that some people have. I avoid using that section of road now when coming back into the city centre”.
Dave Harris, a spokesman for Cardiff Council said: “A sign is up in place just outside the hotel and is visible to all drivers.
DG_Hilton3_web“This area of road has come up a few times now and so far we have received three complaints.
“As far as we are concerned however, the markings on the road between Kingsway and Greyfriars comply with highway standards.
“It is down to the drivers to take notice of the sign put in place to indicate to them where they can or cannot drive”.
When asked whether the council had any plans in place to make amendments or improvements to the road in question in light of recent complaints, Mr Harris said: “There is nothing in place presently, as long as the road markings meet the highway standards there will be no subject to change.”