A MAN who murdered his 18-month-old daughter two weeks after formally adopting her was sentenced to life imprisonment with a...
LLANDAFF North Festival Group is looking to bring back a little Christmas magic to the community after celebration plans were cancelled last year
Local shoppers agree with business owner who made Twitter appeal last week LLANDAFF residents have echoed the calls of local...
VOLUNTEERS at Llandaff Cathedral revealed their “astonishment” today at breaking its Christian Aid Week fund-raising record. The group revealed they...
Charlotte Arter is on a career break from Cardiff University to pursue athletics THE female world parkrun record was broken...
MEMBERS of the community group Llandaff 50+ will use a charity grant to tell the rich and untold history of...
"At this point, we might as well leave the door open to save on repair costs," said one High Street shop owner
Staff at the Llandaff school could be as much as £7,000 a year worse-off in retirement under 'appalling and immoral' proposals
CHILDREN’S author Jon Blake visited Llandaff City Church in Wales Primary School to support a bid for funding to revamp...
Residents hope Christmas lights will boost businesses emerging from lockdown AFTER a tough year for business owners, The Llandaff Society...