The centres will cater to a growing interest in the cross between tennis and squash
A church is blending festive drag performance with Christian inclusivity to raise money for the building's upkeep
Betty Jones is one of just a few to receive a card from both Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles
Overgrown roots are making life hard for people with mobility issues or prams
A second street in Roath, Cardiff, has seen its residents' cars attacked by tyre slasher
More than 40 cars in Roath had their tyres slashed on Wednesday night, residents say, with victims including the disabled, students and families.
Victim believes it is time to repave Wellfield Road. Business owners are also concerned
Some residents are concerned that late opening hours could increase noise and anti-social behaviour
ROATH doesn’t have a public war memorial but, for those looking to learn about its fallen this Armistice, the local history society runs an interactive map online.
House prices in Penylan have shot up by £100,000 in just two years, an increase five times higher than in neighbouring Roath.