A world-renowned aikido expert is to come to Cardiff Aikido club to host a seminar for aikido practisers of all capabilities
A local dance company is hoping to secure £2 million of funding to turn a former public library into a community dance studio
Prom Queen Social Club gives girls of all ages the chance to learn to skateboard. They hold their first Christmas party on 8 December
Unicycle Cardiff holds classes in unicycle hockey as numbers grow, they aim to make Cardiff the hub of unicycle sports in the UK
The National Museum is holding a day of chemistry events to help encourage a greater enjoyment of science
An independent skate shop local to Cardiff will showcase a new skating video on 16 November at the Beelzebubs bar on Church Street
An all-female cycling group celebrates its fourth anniversary this month with special cycle rides for everyone to get involved in
Pint of Science and ISSET join forces to bring the International Space Station Commander to speak at Cardiff University
Hula hooping groups and classes are bringing more fun to the fitness and entertainment scene and proving that hoops aren’t just for kids
A conservation centre in Whitchurch is teaching locals the basics of wildlife photography in a brand new workshop