Storm collapses wall at old laundry site in Cathays

A WALL at the Old Laundry site in Cathays has collapsed due to 80mph winds from Storm Angus.
The gales yesterday morning lifted the roof off the disused building at 90 Minny Street causing the wall to collapse. Bricks were blown into neighbouring gardens but nobody was injured.
The fire service and police were called out to make the wall safe because it posed a danger to neighbours.
Councillor for Cathays Chris Weaver said: “It destroyed back walls on May Street, but luckily no-one was out in the garden so nobody got hurt.”
A recent survey at the site found that the Old Laundry was in a bad condition due to its age. It also found that although the site did not pose an immediate danger, a partial demolition would need to be carried out.
Site owner Kevin Donnelly, 48,  had been arranging that partial demolition before the wall collapsed. He said: “If the planning permission had gone ahead the whole site would have been levelled.”
He was refused planning permission last week to build accommodation for 29 students last week after a petition was signed by 50 residents from nearby Dalton Street, May Street, Cathays Terrace and Whitchurch Place. Residents told Cardiff City Council they were concerned about privacy issues due to the size of the building and the lack of parking spaces.