Overgrown roots are making life hard for people with mobility issues or prams
Hundreds of residents and commuters walk past the site on Crwys Road every day and there is a call for something to be done about it
A second street in Roath, Cardiff, has seen its residents' cars attacked by tyre slasher
Shop workers have been spat at and slapped by shoplifters as crime numbers almost double in two years across South Wales
More than 40 cars in Roath had their tyres slashed on Wednesday night, residents say, with victims including the disabled, students and families.
'We hope it will serve the people of Ukraine as well as it has served us' - Rosaleen Moriarty-Simmonds
Victim believes it is time to repave Wellfield Road. Business owners are also concerned
‘It’s not therapy – it’s just that you’re in a space where everyone understands’
St Martin's Church in Roath is putting on a showing of the classic horror film Nosferatu to raise money for their new organ
Bullies Out hopes the new space will also give parents somewhere to go for help and advice