THE India Centre in Splott was transformed into a vaccination centre last weekend.
A DECISION on rebuilding the Willows High School on in Splott is due to be decided on by Cardiff Council's Cabinet on Thursday.
A Canton pub asking where they should open a new venue in Cardiff has generated a huge response from Splott residents.
A SOCIAL enterprise is looking for donations to help build solar-powered toilets.
ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners Extinction Rebellion have painted two murals in a protest over plans for a second waste incinerator in Cardiff.
As lockdown restrictions ease in Wales, some fear their lives will never get back to normal A THIRD of those...
Screenings are for families and children ahead of Cardiff Animation Festival SEVERAL animated short films were screened at Oasis refugee...
Railway Street project ‘will serve schools, families and the environment‘ THE final plans for a community hub in Splott have...
Growing Street Talk aims to create ‘greener, cleaner, friendlier streets’ in Grangetown and Splott after successful first year A STREET...
£60,000 kitchen refit is part of Oasis project that educates clients about catering OASIS refugee centre in Splott is expanding...