Amnesty is back in town with their annual jam night fundraiser!
Joined16 October 2015
Graduated with Political Science and International Relations, currently doing Masters in International Journalism at Cardiff University. Passionate about writing, travel, photography, surf and badminton.
From Cardiff to North Wales, here are some castles you can’t miss this spring
The Riverside Market in Cardiff is welcoming food donations for refugees in Calais
Enjoying your time as a ‘nerd’ at Techniquest, loads of exhibitions and workshops are waiting for you!
All the divers are asked to take part in a charity event raising money in South Wales at the beginning of December dressing up as Santa Clause.
Stuart Talbot tells how his passion for vintage became his job and his life change unexpectedly. If we think...
International students in Cardiff are invited to participate to one of the biggest human rights event on the planet organize...
Puffins are now one of the species at risk of extinction in the UK, according to the annual revision of the International Union for Conservation and nature (IUCN).
One big issue in Cardiff is how hard is to find a Taxi for short fares in the night, for some luckily the experience wasn`t always so bad.