Lily Rose Sadafi is making care packages for homeless people this Christmas using money from her ‘Lily’s Lettuce’ lockdown business.
THE 'new normal' has forced us all to make changes to the way we live, but for the blind and partially sighted these adaptations have raised significant problems.
TRADERS at Cardiff Central Market are facing backdated rent demands after the council changed its mind about Covid-19 rent relief.
THE royal couple chose Cardiff Castle as the next stop to thank key workers and communities for their efforts during the pandemic.
Female boxer and former punk band member among residents whose extraordinary lives are being celebrated A PUBLIC gallery featuring striking...
Prostate Cymru are offering everyone a free ticket to their Big Christmas Raffle, with prizes such as a giant 4.5 litre bottle of Jameson Whisky and a signed Tommy ‘Hitman’ Hearns boxing glove up for grabs.
The Royal Mint Museum is running a short-story competition for all year five and six pupils in Wales to celebrate the 50th anniversary of decimalisation.
COVENTRY scored early in the second half and Cardiff just couldn’t get back into the game after that.
EXCITING times ahead for The Principality Stadium as Cardiff Council has approved plans for a new tourist attraction to rival London and Sydney’s adrenalin-fuelled skywalks.
Alex Line, 19, is running around Cardiff dressed in a pink, inflatable, unicorn costume to raise money for cancer charities.