THE Principality stadium was used as a giant projector on Monday evening for the GoFundMe page of a three-year-old who needs to raise £1 million for life-saving cancer treatment.
A LOCAL Pilates teacher has fundraised £1,400 towards a new boiler for the community-used Roath Church House.
WALES under 21 netball team have qualified for the 2021 Netball World Youth Cup and are now fundraising to fly their team to Fiji.
A TREFOREST football club player and Royal Air Force firefighter will complete the 4x4x48 challenge to raise money for Mind UK.
Wales' national women’s hockey squad are looking to fund their international campaign by raising £30,000 in eight weeks.
FOR several years, Paula Massey has been helping her community by providing clothes and food parcels for families in need.
TAFFS Well Ladies RFC are collecting donations of essential supplies for South Wales hospital patients.
A FOAL that suffered horrific neglect has died two days after it was discovered by a dog walker near Lamby Way recycling centre.
LOCAL rugby team, Llanishen Lions, are fund-raising for Velindre Cancer Centre by doing rugby passes.
AFTER the theft of a wheelchair attachment a family friend has set up a fundraising page to raise money for a replacement.