LANDLORDS have been told to show “urgency” in the fight to end homelessness in Wales, as the Welsh Government announced its new Homelessness Action Plan in the Senedd today
The event is the first of its kind in Wales to commemorate the massacre at Amritsar
A CANDLELIGHT vigil was organised by the Women’s Institute and held on the Senedd steps to show solidarity with victims and survivors of abuse, last night.
PROTESTERS will gather outside the Senedd at 4pm today ahead of the Welsh Government’s vote to extend the use of Covid passes across more hospitality settings.
Were Cardiff's constituencies ever as marginal as we thought? And if they were, what's changed?
A NEW law was passed by the Senedd that will make it an offence to sell puppies or kittens that have not been bred by the seller.
We speak to the Cardiff women who took to the streets this weekend to mourn the death of Sarah Everard.
IN the countdown to the Senedd elections on May 6, charities and other organisations have started to announce their own manifestos — what they would like to see our politicians carry out.
It's been a busy week, but if you haven't had a chance to catch up, don't worry. We've put all the best in-depth pieces from our 'Year of Covid' week in one easy-to-find place, plus the key news and sports stories to keep you informed.
IN the countdown to the Senedd elections on May 6, charities and other organisations have started to announce their own manifestos — what they would like to see our politicians carry out.