IF you’re wandering around Cardiff and spot a man dressed as a sanitary towel, don’t be alarmed. You’re not hallucinating.
NEW figures reveal that 1 in 5 people in Wales feel their support network has shrunk during the pandemic, leaving them with fewer people to talk to about their mental health.
Two adults from separate households will also be able to meet up outdoors from tomorrow SCHOOLS in Wales may begin...
Drive Taxis is offering free trips for the elderly and vulnerable to get their COVID-19 vaccinations.
A MOTION to strengthen the council’s planning enforcement regime led to a heated discussion between Labour and Conservative councillors at last night’s Council meeting.
An update to rubbish and recycling collection will significantly reduce the time rubbish spends on the street and avoid confusion over changing collection days on Bank Holiday Monday weeks.
Deciphering the data around Covid can be tricky, so The Cardiffian has put together a snapshot of what the latest evidence tells us about the city.
A NEW scheme invites children of Cardiff to use Minecraft to redesign an area of the city.
Samaritans Cymru’s latest report into self-harm has found that people in Wales who self-harm continue to struggle to access early intervention, despite 9 in 10 adult agreeing that self-harm was a serious issue.
New live theatre network seeks to demystify Cardiff’s art scene CARDIFF creatives working in theatre and live performance have launched...