FOR most people, the last thing on their mind during a pandemic would be launching a new business from scratch. But one group of Cardiff University students has done just that.
Cardiff Council needs to make less savings this financial year than it has for eleven of the last twelve, despite the massive spending demands of coronavirus.
CARDIFF Castle manager has written and directed a short film which has been picked up by the BBC.
THE Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) are buying 50 zero emission Nissan Dynamo taxis for taxi drivers to trial for 30 days. The CCR hopes this will convince them to start using the vehicles, in an attempt to reduce air pollution in the city.
THE Children’s Commissioner for Wales has launched a parallel election that will show how the Senedd would look if only 11 to 15-year-olds voted.
But average £50 Council Tax hike and £10m ‘efficiency savings’ proposed to cover budget shortfall next year A BILLION pound...
19 TREES temporarily used by the Castle Quarter Café last summer are being moved from Castle Street to be replanted in Splott.
AS the countdown to May 6 continues, charities, organisations and political parties have started to announce their manifestos.
Lent is a period of 40 days when Christians give up small pleasures such as chocolate or sweets or social media.
CARDIFF Science Festival will be returning virtually from February 18 to 21.